The Building Code of Australia (BCA) sets out the formal process and documentation requirements for developing Performance Solutions and Performance-Based Design Brief (PBDB). In Victoria, this process must also incorporate certain aspects of the Building Act, Building Regulations, and Fire Rescue Victoria. The following sub-sections outline the essential steps to be followed during the fire engineering design and approval process in a typical project.

Stage 1 – Fire Engineering Design Brief

Stage 2 – Submissions to Fire Rescue Victoria at the FEBD Stage

Note: FRV would take approximately five weeks to respond to each of the above applications.

Stage 3 – Fire Engineering Report

Note: If the analysis results are found to be unacceptable, then a revision to the FEDB is required. Therefore, great emphasis must be given to the design development stage (i.e., Stage 1) to avoid delays. 

Note: FRV would take up to 6 weeks to respond to the Reg 129 application.

If your building project involves fire engineering Performance Solutions, please talk about the above process with the project fire safety engineer and the relevant building surveyor for advice. Should you need further information, please get in touch with me via

Note, the above process does not include alternative compliance pathways such as evidence of suitability as per BCA Part A5 or Victorian Building Appeals Board determination of compliance under Section 160A of the Building Act 1993. I will write another article on this topic.